Lirik dan kunci gitar Monument Valley - Scattered Hearts
Verse one:
Rumour has it that you're going blind.
Fmaj7 Fadd9
The doorstep vigilantes crucified your name like they did mine,
With the bruises that they left behind.
Em F C
I can navigate my body I can see my whole lifeline.
Verse 2:
They broke your bones in the name of fun,
Fmaj7 Fadd9
Talking jaded like you forgot you're twenty-one,
And features set, in the evening sun.
Em F C
In the face of days that are slowly dying one by one.
F Am
They said they saw the scattered parts of your once together heart,
G Am
Fall to the floor purple and red,
F Am
On the bonnets of cars, the floors of upmarket bars,
Among the newlyweds, the newlyweds and the nearly-deads.
Verse 3:
Then we should pool together all we've saved,
Fmaj7 Fadd9
And spend it on a distant house,
Then we can leave behind our parent's names,
Em F C
Tainted by the bad blood, your mother did her best to give away
F Am
They said they saw the scattered parts of your once together heart,
G Am
Fall to the floor purple and red,
F Am
On the bonnets of cars, the floors of upmarket bars,
G G7 C
Among the newlyweds, the newlyweds and the nearly-deads.
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