Lirik dan Kunci Gitar Carlo Magno S Marcelo - Only Selfless Love
Today in the world where life is born
Bm F#m
There's a struggle that is fought,
GM7 Em7 A7
To be welcomed to be cared for to be at home.
Today when all life seems bought and used.
Bm F#m7
There's a struggle to belong,
G Em7 A
To be free and to be a gift to everyone.
D A F#m7 Bm7/A
* We call all families, rise up and raise your hands as one.
G D/F#
Come show the world the love that binds
E9/G# Em - A
All God's children into one.
D Em7 F#m
We call all families share the treasure
that's in your hands
What can save us now?
What can lead us now?
E9/G Em-A
What can make us all be one.
Em A D Bm7 Em7
Only selfless love Jesus show the world
Em7/A D Bm
That only selfless love can bring
Em7 Em7/A Bbdim
A hundred fold of fathers, mothers,
Bm7 Bm7/A Abm7
brothers, sisters, homes;
D/A Em7/A
Where peace and mercy reign;
D/A Em7/A
Where faith and home remain
A/G F#m7 Bm7 GM7
Where life begins and ends in God's embrace,
Calling all families!
Let's make it happen
F#m7 G A D
through only selfless love.
FM7 BbM7/C FM7
Like the Holy Family with Jesus, Joseph
G/D FM7 Gm7
And Mary, home is where true love begins
Am Em/A - A
Love rejoices, Love embraces.
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